Monday, January 5, 2009

ok so i dont have a clever math equation to say that this thought makes 8

its 7:32 in the morning...i actually went to bed at a normal time last night like a normal human being would, so i'm proud of myself.

looking back on the break so far....i have accomplished nothing that i wanted to do. i didn't get a job. i didn't get clothes. i didn't save up for the equipment i need.

so its fair to say that - like every school break - i've been bumming it out.

any money that i have possessed has been spent on drinking at the bars and trying to have a social life. i actually think that i'm really an alcoholic. i mean as far as i see it there's nothing wrong with having a couple drinks here and there. and if you get drunk every blue moon, that's cool too. just as long as its spread out and not a weekly or dare i say - daily - basis. i should have wasted my money on a new tattoo. i need to make a goals list so i can keep track of what i need to do with money.

anyways, on a brighter note,

i feel really comfortable with being on the radio. i definitely think that this is a career that i want to pursue. i love being on-air being me. i love telling stories and hearing them from other people. i love hearing about celebrities and how they got started....and honestly i love talking shit.....its the best trait i runs in the family! hahaha. but in all seriousness, i really do want to spread a message of positivity through this avenue of media. with so much negativity in this world - there needs to be people out there that is positive. i need to master this craft of mine. so i can fulfill this dream of mine.

with that said...time for breakfast.

The La is Hungry...and Outtie.


1 comment:

gb said...

you are the drunken master of talking shit lol